I will not support Isaak Walton when they are stabbing us in the back. Initially it sounded good, but doing homework on the establishment, it revealed some stuff.
Also a FYI if any wheelers are members of trout unlimited you need to do some home work. They are the pricks that got Tellico closed and continually work to stab you in the back.
Haven't gone in years, but we used to go to G Richard Thompson WMA. On the down side of the Thompson Lake dam, there is a shooting area of at least 150 feet. Its on Leeds Manor Road near the intersection of US50 and Us 17. I think there is another area there too.
Inwood there is a place just off 81. I forget what it is called at the moment. Other than that and what has been mentioned I am not aware of any others.
I've been to Peacemaker a few times. It is a decent haul for me from Herndon, but I really like their setup. For one small price, you can shoot pistols to rifles in an open range.