November 10 Club Meeting - Flagpole

Added to Calendar: 11-10-24

Pics and videos are great!! Thanks and please come again on my next ride! ; )

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Thanks to everyone who made it out! It was a great day and fantastic to see people pushing their comfort zone a bit and opting for new challenges. I especially want to call out @Ginga and @banananana for challenging themselves.

Now onto official business:

During the club meeting, @The_Rock and I shared the following:
  • NOVA Jeepers currently has 162 paid members as we get ready for early membership renewal starting in December
  • Currently the club has $1220 in reserves, with no major expenses coming up for the rest of the year
  • In the spring we will have to pay for the Loudoun County fairgrounds in support of the Rodeo & Show and Shine at the cost of $1100. Membership renewals provide most of the funding ahead of the event, with event registrations helping fund events later throughout the year.
  • The Greater Manassas Christmas Parade is coming up on December 7th. While the event is currently full, there are usually people who have to drop out last minute, so look for a chance to jump in an deck out your Jeep!
  • We introduced the latest iteration of the Trail Guide Program! The program is designed to give participants a basic foundational set of skills to get on the trails safely. Some of the key changes from the previous version are:
    • Revised program vision - focusing the program on developing core competencies with an emphasis on the fundamentals of safe and responsible offroading
    • Revised program qualifications - there is now a virtual component to the qualification with virtual lessons with knowledge checks
    • Reduced annual trail ride requirements
    • Removal of the peer/committee nomination process, if you complete the training, and meet the qualifications, you get the position
    • Removal of the grandfathering system, all guides, regardless of experience level must meet the same requirements
    • Removal of the tiered guide levels