Cabin Getaway …


Website Committee
Booked a cabin getaway for this week to go tubing and explore Deep Creek area. AirBnB has the place listed as not needing 4wd (foreshadowing). We took the van for reliability and comfort for the 3 1/2 drive. Pleasant drive thru WV. We get here and it’s uphill all ice and snow on a gravel base. Fail twice. Turn setting off. Give the van hell, ain’t happening. Reserve a pickup from Enterprise, corporate can’t guarantee its 4wd equipped. We get there it ain’t and no AWd or 4wd on the lot. Closest rental car place with one is in Cumberland (hour each way). We go to Walmart and I buy chains for the van. It’s starts snowing. We get back to the hill and I show the van no mercy. It makes it to the alley before our rental. I back into the alley and in the snow put on the chains, while wearing my jeep club hoodie. Surprisingly not difficult. My daughter has in the mean time made signs to put in the windshield pleading for help. A car stops, I wave him off as I’m doing man stuff, don’t think the kitty litter will help anyway. Chains on, hands frozen. Never driven with chains before and just give it the college try, traction for days and dig through the ice to go the next 100 feet up the hill and back the into the driveway. Triumphant.



Calling for another 4 inches tonight. Severe tactical error as I only have two beers and no meat or fire wood.

Moral of the story is should have brought the jeep and less crap!