2025 Jeep Jamboree Schedule

Super excited to head back to this one. Looks like we have another great NVJA group heading. I am tracking:
Am I missing anyone?

For those who have never been to a Jamboree, will do a few updates when it gets closer. If you want to ride up as a group, plan to caravan up Thursday morning (IIRC it is a 6 or 7 hour haul), will register and get checked in. This one is really cool as everything is in one location. They provide three meals, but I have to have snacks so will probably bring a small cooler.
Super excited to head back to this one. Looks like we have another great NVJA group heading. I am tracking:
Am I missing anyone?

For those who have never been to a Jamboree, will do a few updates when it gets closer. If you want to ride up as a group, plan to caravan up Thursday morning (IIRC it is a 6 or 7 hour haul), will register and get checked in. This one is really cool as everything is in one location. They provide three meals, but I have to have snacks so will probably bring a small cooler.
As we get closer I'd like your opinion on trail selection. Curious which ones to sign up for. I'm assuming you can only sign up for two....one each day?
As we get closer I'd like your opinion on trail selection. Curious which ones to sign up for. I'm assuming you can only sign up for two....one each day?
Sounds good. I would be curious to hear @LASTLB take, but I thought this one was the hardest of the 4 jamborees I have been to (comparing like ratings). I normally look to 5-6 on day one and then decide if I want to go harder on day two. For this one, I did Apache Pass on day one, and decided to stick with same level and did Rocky Top on day two. I thought it was much harder then the 5-6 at Uwharrie.

That said, I really liked Apache Pass and hope to do that one again on day 1 (below is one of my favorite pics from that one). I can be flexible second day and we certainly don't all have to do same trails every day. I know last time we had a couple that did leaky hot tub and said it was also pretty tough. And in WV, Joe and I could not get in same group day 1. But we can definitely chat.

Here are the photos from our trip to this jamboree.In 2022.

JJ2022-4 (2).jpg